Are All Hospices the Same?

Hospice Care
January 10, 2025

Finding Quality Healthcare Providers

When considering any service provider be it a plumber or knee surgeon, how do you learn about the difference between various vendors? For a plumber you can look up Google ratings or use Angie’s List. For a knee surgeon, you may use personal experience from a friend or trusted resource. But what about in hospice?

Measuring Hospice Quality Through CAHPS

You could certainly look at Google ratings and talk to friends but in the case of hospice, what is unique is that all federally certified hospices must participate in the hospice CAHPS program which is the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems. CAHPS is simply a survey program where the primary caregiver of the person who was on hospice services, receives a survey to complete. There are 44 measures that roll up into 6 quality areas along with 2 global measures. These findings can be found on the CMS Hospice Compare website, (but please note that the findings run between 6 months to a year in arrears so the data is trailing in nature).

Kindful’s Commitment to Excellence

At Kindful we hold ourselves up to the high standard of being a “Super Bowl Contender” which we define as competing only with the top 10% of hospices nationally. So how are we doing? For the year of 2024 Kindful was above State and National averages in both global measures, all six roll up measures and 41 of 44 individually surveyed measures. It is this commitment to quality care that separates Kindful from the rest.

Our Approach to Care

What we don’t do is profess to be perfect. We are human and mistakes are inevitable. However, our goal is for mistakes to be rare, but when one does happen, we will address it in a timely and professional manner so you know you have a true partner who is proudly responsible for the care of your loved one. Again, other companies can say these things but what matters most to us is what is said by the families we have served through the CAHPS surveys. Every customer survey is a report card on the quality of care which we take seriously and we are so proud of our team members who deliver on our promise to “outcare the competition” each and every day.

Choose Kindful

So is there a difference between hospice providers? My answer is a resounding yes! So when your family is in need of the care and guidance of hospice, who are you going to trust? Trust Kindful.
